I am constantly trying to make sure that everyone has the best reading experience on our site no matter what type of platform you are reading our posts from. In todays world we now really need 3 different views for your website; a normal view, mobile version and a tablet version. Mobile and tablets are gaining so much ground in web traffic but the experience is so different due to size. I had tried out a Flipboard inspired view of this site awhile back for iPad users. It worked great when coming directly to the homepage however if you clicked into a link from Twitter or Facebook the page wouldn’t come up. I am still searching for a great solution for iPad users and hope to have something soon.

Today we are launching a new version of DigitalPhotoBuzz.com for iPhone or other mobile visitors. You will now have a very simple and clean interface to read our articles without the ad’s and other navigation items that are on the right side of the page. This will automatically detect when you are browsing our site with a iPhone or mobile device and switch you over to the mobile view. If you prefer the normal view though just go to the bottom of the page and you can switch the mobile view to off.

Even though its a mobile site there are still ways to access all of our content. With over 400 articles now there are lots of useful tips and information in our archives. If you tap on the arrow at the top right corner you can access a main menu, search the site by tags or categories. There is also a traditional search bar to search for any keywords you might be looking for. I hope this view is helpful for all of our mobile readers out there, if you have any feedback just leave a comment at the bottom of the page!
digitalphotobuzz mobile site

Also for those of you interested in adding a mobile version to your photography blog, I am using a plugin called WPtouch that you can download for free in your wordpress plugin admin panel. Check it out, its pretty quick and easy to setup and works great.