Flickr is one of those sites that up until about 10 months ago I really never payed attention to. For whatever reason I thought it was just for people to upload their snapshots and share with their friends. I think the first time I heard about it my dad sent me a link to view some photos he uploaded so that experience must have sticked with me (I definitely did not get my photography skills from my dad). Awhile back when I was searching for a few images to reference in an article here on Digital Photo Buzz I ran across Flickr again and was amazed by the quality of work that people are sharing there. Not only great work but it seems like there also is a good strong community of people who offer suggestions and help each other take better photos, it’s great! I have been thinking about how we can use Flickr on this site to have one place for people to share images and open discussions but first wanted to get some feedback on what you all thought about Flickr. Do you use it right now and enjoy posting images there? Are there drawbacks that discourage you from using it? Let me know in the comments and also answer this quick little poll. Thanks!