I started a little series of shooting tips a few weeks ago to cover some things that I think we can all keep in mind to continue to push our photography and think more creatively. Expanding our vision and growing our art is so essential for us all to evolve as artists. If you missed our last few articles you can read them here:

– Photography Tip – Shooting through items
– Framing the shot

Part of being a wedding photographer is always trying to get that unique angle or shot so that your work stands out. In most markets out there you have an abundance of competition for wedding photography. Wedding photography has always been a very competitive field and with that you have to constantly try to make each wedding you photograph unique. When your clients families and friends see work that looks different you start to create a great referral base of people who appreciate your unique vision and will refer you business who also appreciate that vision and will pay for your vision. There are lots of things I constantly try to do with my wedding photography work to make it stand out from unique lighting at night to looking for that different angle, there are many ways that we can capture a brides day through our unique vision.

Today I want to chat a little about reflections. There can be reflections in so many items during a wedding day and I constantly am scanning the scene as I shoot to see what might make a great reflection. Some things to always keep your eye on for reflection photos:

  • Water – even a small puddle or drop of water can be a great surface for a reflection
  • Sunglasses – can be a cool way to show part of a person and also what they are seeing
  • Drinking glasses – so many opportunities here while wedding toasts and the reception are going on
  • Reflective surfaces of cars – or really any shiny objects, rings, tableware, etc..

    There are reflections everywhere, no matter what part of the wedding I am photographing I am always looking around for reflections. Sometimes it can make a great ring detail shot to use a reflection or just a nice image of the bride and groom together. Also remember you dont always have to include the person and their reflection. If you are trying to photograph a scenic image with the bride and groom outdoors and they have a great reflection in a pool of water in front of them try to create an artistic image of just the reflection (or part of it). There is so much we can do with reflections, lets all get out and shoot!

    wedding photography tips reflections

    You also can really use reflections for any type of photography not just weddings. Here is a great macro image that really is perfect with the reflection in the water drop!

    Do you have any great reflection images? Share them on our facebook wall: http://www.facebook.com/digitalphotobuzz